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the nimf guide : characters

This will likely be a short chapter. There is not much to characters in nimf. A character is really just a number representing a unicode code point (which includes the ascii range of characters in their usual numbering). There is a builtin, emit, which will take an integer from the stack and output the character with that number. The following code will output the letter h:

104 emit

That is well and good, but is a little annoying when looking at source code. Wouldn't it be nicer to type the actual character you intend? With a bit of syntactic sugar, you can:

`h emit

A backtick followed by a single character will add the numerical value of that character to the stack. It can then be used for output as a character or operated on as a number. This ability also includes escape characters. A non-thorough list:

You can emit one like so:

`\n emit

The above would print a newline.

That is about all there is to using characters in nimf. Remember that strings are stored as integers representing individual characters like this as well. So if you iterate over a string you can emit the values (which is how many of the various output words are written).