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the tally guide : download and build


The source code for tally is hosted in a git repository. If you have git installed, you can run the following command from your terminal (on a unix-like system):

git clone https://tildegit.org/sloum/tally && cd tally

If you do not have git installed on your system and still want access to the source code you can alternately download a zip file of the code:


Now that you have the code on your system you will need to build tally.


To build tally you will need a Go compiler. If you do not have one, you may be able to get one from your operating system's package repository. Or, if you prefer, you can download one directly from the Go website:

Any semi-recent version should work fine. Though it is recommend to use a version >= 1.11.

In addition to Go it is helpful to have Make installed on your system. Most unix/bsd/linux systems should already have a version of Make installed. If not, check with your system's package repository. It is possible to build and install without Make, by using go itself. However, using this method will not provide you with the manpage installed on your system.

Using the Makefile to Build and Install

A few Make targets have been set up for your convenience.

If you have administrator privleges (or your system does not require them for a global install), you can run the following from within the main tally source code directory you cloned/downloaded:

sudo make install

It is possible your system will not require sudo, or may use an alternative such as doas.

The above command will install tally and its manpage.

If you prefer, or need, to install locally for just your user you can the following from the repository directory:


This will build the program in place and you can move it wherever you like.

Using Go to Build and Install

The makefile uses Go to build and install tally anyway, so you may just prefer to do so directly. To instally tally run the following from the repository directory:

go install

To build in the local folder you may run:

go build

Remember that this does not install the man page. It is, however, provided in the repository and you may manually install it if you like.