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swim : project management swim lanes

swim is a project/task management helper for your terminal. It organizes projects into "swim lanes". The lanes can contain "stories" that represent a task or subproject that needs to be done to complete the overall project. These subprojects can have titles, descriptions, assigned users, a point representation of their difficulty, a task list, and comments. Stories can be moved around within and between lanes to represent their current state in the project. A common layout for simple projects is to have three lanes: backlog, active, complete (which can be generated with `swim init`); but many other working models are possible.

Screenshot of the main swim lane view of the application 'swim' Screenshot of the story view of the application 'swim'


Getting swim

git clone https://tildegit.org/sloum/swim && cd swim
sudo make install

The repo comes with a detailed readme and manpage that can walk you through just about anything you'd need to get started.