I have been sick since December 17th 2024 (it is now January 4th 2025). It started out as a cold my child brought home from school. Said child was over the cold in two or three days, less a mild lingering cough. Meanwhile my partner and I had a horrible cold until around Christmas, where it decided to turn into a sinus infection and/or bronchitis. Holidays with family were canceled. We have felt just horrible for weeks. My partner has experienced significant hearing loss in one ear, which we hope is temporary. One round of antibiotics had some but not enough of an effect. My partner is on a second round. I am trying to hold out and just get better. I get headaches for much of the day, but otherwise feel okay. We've never had an illness like this, either of us. Not sure what it is, but I do not recommend it. Fingers crossed that things get better soon and that my child does not bring home more terrible stuff for us when they go back to school in two days.

Bummersville posts these days between this, tendinitis, covid, and a terrible train ride. Too bad.